March 24

Read 100 Books in a Year.

How to read a 100 books in a year.

Well for starters you’re going to need 100 books, obviously.To get the book I would recommend going to your local library because not everyone has 100 books just laying around or the money to buy 100  books. You’re also might want to create a list of books you want to read that way you could request them at the library.  Another thing you’ll need is a way to keep track of the books you’ve read. Some people use Goodreads and others just create a list.

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You will have to read two books per week so, I would start with books that are only 200-300 pages. Don’t stop just because you’ve read your two books per week if you can read more by all means then read more. That way if you become busy  you won’t fall too far behind because you have some books to fall on. To help sometimes I would read series that way I know what books come next.

Before you start reading split the number of pages in to 3.5 days so 350 pages divided by 3.5= 100 pages a day. Now to start reading a 100 books I would find a place you can read that is quiet and read your daily amount. Now, not everyone can read for a hour straight so don’t be afraid to split the pages up between the day.

What counts as a book? Anything that you want to count. This is up to you.  I would sometimes read graphic novels to break up the constant amount of books but, I did have some conditions on the graphic novels like it had to be at least 150 pages. You can also reread books if you want but they can’t be books you’ve already have read that year for example I reread the Harry Potter series every summer.

Posted March 24, 2017 by danamuldowney in category 20% Project

About the Author

Dana is a senior PLA student at Vista High School.

1 thoughts on “Read 100 Books in a Year.

  1. jodyordonez

    Dana, what an ambitious goal! I really admire your persistence and stamina. I love that you venture into different genres and push yourself to excel in this area. Your post is well written; however, you might add headings and some images of your favorite books.


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