March 23

Inequality for All

Describe a moment from INEQUALITY FOR ALL that is really sticking with you – maybe you found it particularly troubling. What was it about that moment that is so memorable?

A moment that was really sticking with me was when they showed how much the middle class made in like the 1970 compare to to now. Where makes less ,both parents are working and prices have gone up, but we have given the 1% a huge tax cut. how can companies pay people left for the same or sometimes more of the work? Its sicking.

What single word best describes how the film made you feel?

Outraged. Why? well lets see, its got so bad we gave the rich a huge tax break they don’t even pay as much as the average middle class person! Then we don’t even make as much as we once did, people don’t get the sames wages for the same job as they once did.

If, as Robert Reich argues, the economic”game” is currently rigged, who is doing the “rigging” and how?

The game is rigged because  anyone who has lot of money laying around can “donate” money to there candidate and they get benefits like lower tax cuts on the rich.

Who is looking out for the American Worker?

No one really, company’s are making money for them self and don’t care about there works. They give them selves millions, while cutting people benefits. The government were told that would take care of us don’t, anyone who has money can “donate ” money to a candidates any well you can see where that goes.

Who is actually working in Washington and in state capitals to improve the well-being of the American workforce?

I don’t know and spending 20 minutes on the internet trying to find out didn’t help. There has been a incress of jobs but not someone about who is helping the 99%. Its probably not helping that we have a greedy business man as are president.

In you view, who should be looking out for the American worker?

The company’s and the government should be looking out for the American worker.They should both be looking out for the American worker because there the ones helping the economy.

What could you do to ensure that workers has an advocate in the halls of government?

The greatest thing to do is research. Make sure the candidate who is running is not taking money fro big company’s .

Posted March 23, 2017 by danamuldowney in category Math

About the Author

Dana is a senior PLA student at Vista High School.

1 thoughts on “Inequality for All

  1. McKenzie Campbell

    Nicely put, Dana. I love your passion. I am outraged as well. We need more people who feel outraged and less complacency.


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