May 25

Life Plan


Hello future me! How is 2018 treating you? That’s good, Anyway here is my plan for where you should be. This is based off of my ideas for the future you don’t have to follow exact because I get it I things change life changes that usual stuff.

Here’s my life plane. One you are probably living at home, if you move out that would be awesome. I should be in community college at least 4 class ed a semester. You should also be working part time. That way you have money for gas, food, entertainment, and of coursed collage.  You should also be looking into internship. Well good luck!

Emotional Wellness

Joy from Inside Out, Pixar

What is Emotional Wellness? Well you see, it’s about having a positive attitude, knowing your priorities, having support for your emotions and other things and learning from your mistakes

Thank Goodness that I do most of this already.

Having a positive attitude is easier said than done, but to help you can write gratitude letters or keep a journal. You can also try to make other people smile, making other people can help make you feel happy as well.

Another thing you should have is a support system, having a support system can help when you’re feeling overwhelmed, or anything else that you need to do. If you need help you have a family that cares about you and even though they might not completely understand they will try. You also have friends to talk to, Although most of your friends are going to different places most of them are going to community college and will probably keep in touch. You will probably make friends in college, I know sometimes it’s hard to make friends with the people around you but, i’m sure you makes some friends buy the end of next year and i’m sure they be there to help you.

The last thing is learning from your mistakes. This not only has to do with college course but with people as well. If you make a mistake on a test or an essay or anything else in college it is okay, just make sure you learn from your mistake. This goes with people as well if anything happens at least you’ll learn from the mistake.

Environmental Wellness

Flower Fields in California

In this next year what can I do to help the Environment? Well for starters my family recycles and we do compost. We try and save water we we can like when we turn off the water when we put soap on our hand or when we brush our teeth and we turn are water off in between. I can start using reusable  water bottles and bag when we go out instead or the throw away ones. I will make this change because the  even though we recycle water bottles and the plastic bags the chemicals that are in the bag are terrible for the environment. I can see about switching to reusable batteries instead of throw away one because they can leak acid into the earth. When the acid leaks into the earth it can ruin the soil and the leak can spill into a river lake or even the ocean and that can kill animal and Humans.

Why should you care about the environment? Well you see you live on this earth. If you don’t take care of the environment then you’re dooming yourself and future generations. Sadly we cannot live in space yet and probably won’t be able to for a long time because of budget cuts. So take care of the earth now. Please.

Financial Wellness

First Years at Community College

1-2 part-time job

1 place to live

$100 a week for Food

$125 a month for Gas

$550 a semester for Books

$125 a month for Student Loans

The first step is to find a place to stay, for me i’m staying at home for the first two years and if i’m going to college full time then I don’t need to pay for rent. The next step is to find a part time job that will work with  going to college. If you can or if you want to you can add a second part time job.

With the part time job you can buy things like that you need like student loans and the books for college, you can also buy things like gas to get to places like your part time job and collage. You also can buy basic needs things like food. With this recipe you can go and success with your first year of college.

Dear Future Me (One year from now)

Hello! How are you doing? This is me, yourself from the past, To be more specific it’s you from one year ago. I’m here to talk to you about the lovely subject of Finances ((woo-hoo)) This letter should remind you on where you should be spending your money.

You should still have a job at Lego land and maybe working for Karen, You get about 180-250 every two weeks. That pays for gas and food and entertainment. If you don’t get the Palomar promise then you’ll need to get a loan that you pay off while working part time. Thanks To Campbell you know how to pay off a loan.

Thanks to your parents you can live at home if you go to college full time.This makes it cheaper in the long run and you can save money to either pay for college or save up to buy a new car.

Hopefully this is a great reminder of what you should be spending you money on. I hope college is fun for you and your being responsible with your finances and with life. Thanks for your time.

Lots of Love

Dana (one year ago)

Intellectual Wellness


Hello it’s me, again, well like really what did you expect, impost to do this assume and knowing me you’re probably speed reading through this all at once. Anyway, you should be finishing your first year at Palomar!  You go girl! How was it? I hope you’re your classes up to date ( don’t worry too much about the grades B’s are great). This is your life and you should not be too stressed out about classes. You should be trying to finished up the basic requirements to graduate.

Tips on how not to procrastinate (yes you need this because even though you’re pretty good about this at the end of the semester you tend to not care)  

  • Take a short break after you get home from school and/or work only 30 -60 minutes that way your not to tried to focus on what the assignments are.
  • Do the assignment asap preferably the day your are assignment it but , i get it stuff can happen
  • Reward yourself! Example, if you have 3 different assessments every time you finish one give yourself a break of make some coffee or tea, or read a chapter of that new book you got.
  • Find a new source of motivation, aka you can’t read that new book till you finish all your home work, or you can’t hang out with your friends till you research that one thing.

You should also be keeping up with personal goals, like in 2017 you should have read 52 books and I know right this second April 28 at 10: 58 you are over halfway there hopefully you have another goal for 2018. To not fall behind in this category make sure you keep yourself responsible. That’s all I got. Bye!

Occupational Wellness

A librarian is someone who organised, and manage, and help others do there research. To work in a library to you at least need a master’s degree in library science if you want to work in a school you’ll need at least certification in teaching. Well for you, or is it me? …… whatever its your first year at Palomar is free! Then second year is around 10,000 a year. When you transfer a year is usually around 24000 so two of those is 48000 plus 100000 it’s going to be 58,000. Wow. ugh good luck thank goodness you don’t pay rent right? I don’t understand why I need to do an interview and go to a place that I could work because I talk to the librarians all the time at the school,because that’s one of my classes and I go to the Library once a week at least.

The back up plan well you could always become a teacher you can still go to Palomar for the first two years so, yay, anyway there’s lots of things you can also do because well for once in your life you don’t have to have a straight up plan but ideas are always great, like travel to Europe or take a semester off. You could become a writer. If you don’t like what you’re doing don’t be afraid to make a change.  

Physical Wellness

Physical Wellness, this is when you take care of yourself physically. Obviously right?  Not as much as you would think. This includes flu and colds prevention, preventing illness, nutrition, physical activity, and sleep.

I’m no psychic but… you might be thinking, aren’t flu and cold prevention and preventing illness the same thing? Well they are similar but they’re not the same. Preventing the cold and the flu is when people you know have the flu or cold, while preventing illness is trying to keep yourself from getting sick anytime. To prevent the flu and the cold I can avoid close contact with sick people and if  you become sick, stay away from others. If you’re sick cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze. To prevent getting sick at all I will get regular check ups, and listen to my body. The last thing I can do is wear sunscreen and avoid tanning because it can cause skin cancer.

For nutrition, I will  do more than just eating right. It’s also about relaxing when I eat, so I can enjoy my food. It’s also about loving your body and staying hydrated. My plan for physical activity is to walk 30 minutes every day and if that’s not possible because of weather or other complications I can do Yoga or ride the stationary bike for 30 minutes. In addition, I will try and get eight hours of sleep each night. To help with that, I can stop doing all-nighters, limit the amount of caffeine before bed, take time to relax before I go to bed, and have a dark and quiet environment to sleep in.

If I try and follow these goals I can hope to achieve the physical wellness goal. Hopefully by avoiding the flu, preventing sickness, getting nutrition, exercising, and getting enough sleep everyday it will improve my physical wellness.

Spiritual Wellness

Spiritual Wellness isn’t just going to church. Which thank goodness cause unless something weird happens you’re still an Atheist, also pleases don’t join a cult. Any ways Spiritual Wellness is about a making time yourself., it’s also about meditation and using my values to make decisions and act.

What you should be doing well I expect you’ll keep up when you come home you relax for thirty minutes to an hour depending on how much homework you have. What to do to relax: One make sure you use the restroom, Two get something to eat and something to drink. Next step is to watch something on tv or read a book. If you watch something on TV, only watch one episode or else you’ll binge watch it till you remember you have work. If you reading  do not  starting a new book because you’ll read it until it’s finished, try to read only to the end of the next chapter that way you have a good place to stop.

Meditation should be apart of your life, I know it’s hard to do sometimes but if you just do the one-minute meditation you’ll be okay. Don’t be afraid to do it longer if you want I know that it’s hard to concentrate on the modation for longer than a minute but as long as you keep trying you’ll improve.

The last thing you should do is use your values to make good decisions, you use this in your daily life so there’s not a lot of work you need to do in this area. If you think something is wrong don’t do it.If it makes you uncomfortable leave. You’ll do fine good luck and remember to use the wellness to improve your life.

Social Wellness

Not going to lie when I heard social wellness I thought this was going to be about being safe at parties and things like that which I know you probably wont go to. With Social wellness it’s about making time for your friends and family. It’s also about having a safe relationship with your family and not to be around toxic people. Its also about having fun with them and not forcing yourself to stick with people you don’t want to be around.  

What you should do with family, well since you’re still living at home you’ll still see your family, you should try and have dinner with at least 5 times a week, also you should try and make time with them at least once a week maybe watch a movie with they or a TV show, maybe just hang out with them if you can, also be there for Devin, he’s in high school and is probably never take him out for ice cream once a month or something.

With friends that’s more or a problem, your going too still want to hang out with your High School friends, i’m not saying you shouldn’t but, if you lose touch don’t feel to bad.  Thank goodness for Facebook that way you can do messages, plus a lot of your friends are going to community college so it would be easier to stay in touch. Try and talk to them at least once a week if not more.

You’re probably going to make new friends which will be great! Make time for them as well go be more adventure! Go to coffee or join a study group or something to that effect. It will be great!


May 25

General Motors

”Why is General Motors walking away with billions while Detroit dies?

General Motors isn’t doing much with the bail out. Other then paying them self and a little of their debt. They don’t do much for their company, they make terrible products and instead of trying to fix their products they don’t do anything. There taking the bailout money not to fix their company instead they use it to keep making terrible products. The city depends on General Motors and they’re not using that bail out money to fix their products inside they will go deeper into debt.

“What is next for the Motor City (Detroit)?”

The once Motor city is now filing for bankruptcy. If the city of Detroit bankruptcy goes through then all of their debt will be cleared, this sadly will take away people’s pensions as well, but this is the price the motor city must pay to get a clean slate. If they get to start from scratch then they might be able to fix and maybe in the future build up Detroit to the city it once was.

May 9

Paying for a Brand

When were buying things like a new car, or the new apple product, or even new shoes, we dont realize that part of the decision we make is unconscious. Our frontal cortex makes these decisions for us, we find a brad that not only we like but a brand that shows others that were cool. For example car companies market there cars in different ways to applies to different customer like one might focus on community while others will focus on the car making you cool. Apple also dose this like back in the 1984, if you didn’t have an Apple product you were a lemming, a blind follower, or uncool. Companies use coolness to make us want a product more then another product. Coolness began in the 1950 with the rebel look, scenic then its changed to using certain types of products like Aides, Apple, Nike, Vans Maybelline and others. Some may disagree with saying that owning a brand doesn’t say anything about them but sadly they are wrong, it may not be a conscious decisions but we do care about what others think of us and we will bu certain brands because of that.

When we buy a product like a meal at a restaurant and we have two options of paying cash or card we are more likely going to use the card. This is because when you pay with the card your lest like going to feel any pain with the cash you feel a bit of regrets or worry. When you pay after an experience you feel the looming feeling of debt and parting with your money, or you can pay before and not feel as bad Companies use this when they offer things like gift card, and prepaid options, they take the pain out of buying there products buy having you pay upfront.

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March 24

Read 100 Books in a Year.

How to read a 100 books in a year.

Well for starters you’re going to need 100 books, obviously.To get the book I would recommend going to your local library because not everyone has 100 books just laying around or the money to buy 100  books. You’re also might want to create a list of books you want to read that way you could request them at the library.  Another thing you’ll need is a way to keep track of the books you’ve read. Some people use Goodreads and others just create a list.

Found on Pixabay

You will have to read two books per week so, I would start with books that are only 200-300 pages. Don’t stop just because you’ve read your two books per week if you can read more by all means then read more. That way if you become busy  you won’t fall too far behind because you have some books to fall on. To help sometimes I would read series that way I know what books come next.

Before you start reading split the number of pages in to 3.5 days so 350 pages divided by 3.5= 100 pages a day. Now to start reading a 100 books I would find a place you can read that is quiet and read your daily amount. Now, not everyone can read for a hour straight so don’t be afraid to split the pages up between the day.

What counts as a book? Anything that you want to count. This is up to you.  I would sometimes read graphic novels to break up the constant amount of books but, I did have some conditions on the graphic novels like it had to be at least 150 pages. You can also reread books if you want but they can’t be books you’ve already have read that year for example I reread the Harry Potter series every summer.

March 23

Inequality for All

Describe a moment from INEQUALITY FOR ALL that is really sticking with you – maybe you found it particularly troubling. What was it about that moment that is so memorable?

A moment that was really sticking with me was when they showed how much the middle class made in like the 1970 compare to to now. Where makes less ,both parents are working and prices have gone up, but we have given the 1% a huge tax cut. how can companies pay people left for the same or sometimes more of the work? Its sicking.

What single word best describes how the film made you feel?

Outraged. Why? well lets see, its got so bad we gave the rich a huge tax break they don’t even pay as much as the average middle class person! Then we don’t even make as much as we once did, people don’t get the sames wages for the same job as they once did.

If, as Robert Reich argues, the economic”game” is currently rigged, who is doing the “rigging” and how?

The game is rigged because  anyone who has lot of money laying around can “donate” money to there candidate and they get benefits like lower tax cuts on the rich.

Who is looking out for the American Worker?

No one really, company’s are making money for them self and don’t care about there works. They give them selves millions, while cutting people benefits. The government were told that would take care of us don’t, anyone who has money can “donate ” money to a candidates any well you can see where that goes.

Who is actually working in Washington and in state capitals to improve the well-being of the American workforce?

I don’t know and spending 20 minutes on the internet trying to find out didn’t help. There has been a incress of jobs but not someone about who is helping the 99%. Its probably not helping that we have a greedy business man as are president.

In you view, who should be looking out for the American worker?

The company’s and the government should be looking out for the American worker.They should both be looking out for the American worker because there the ones helping the economy.

What could you do to ensure that workers has an advocate in the halls of government?

The greatest thing to do is research. Make sure the candidate who is running is not taking money fro big company’s .

February 24

Pet Health Benefits in Seniors

During the processes of our research we learned that pets are not just a cuddly companion but, they are great for seniors emotional, mental and physical health.

We chose this topic because we both love pets and thought it would be great to see if there was any benefits of having pets for seniors. So what are the benefits of pets for seniors?

The first step in our project was to create a graphic organizer that’s when we came up with the different ideas we had about where are research project could go.

To create our research paper we started with looking up the different benefits of having pets. We even looked into the different types of pets you could have. We also look into what having a pet does to senior citizens. We searched the internet for different websites and sources trying to find any information relevant our topic.

To create the brochure it took only two steps. The first step was to take the information from the research paper and translate it into an easy read that everyone can understand. The second step was to add pictures to our brochure to make it more appealing to the audience.

The next thing we had to do was create a poster board so we can present it to the senior citizens at the center. The
process was fairly simply. We printed out some pictures and put them on the boards. We technically made our brochure but just super sized it.

To finish the project we will present to our local senior citizens home. Hopefully we can inform them about the benefits of having a pet. We even want to look into foundations that do functions with pets. We would like the seniors to be able to have pet time with some of the most loving pets that can be offered.

We learned that having a pet can lower stress, blood pressure and can even lower depression. This can have a bigger impact on seniors. It even affects the pets as well. It lowers stress for them and even helps with tiring them out.



January 19

Telephone Conference

Last class we talked to the branch manager of Bank of the West, Ms.Campbell brother. The question my group asked him was What is the difference between a credit union and a big bank? His response was along the lines of Credit unions you are buying into an ownership, less worried about profit and more about giving higher rate. Group of people pulling your money to make the best of it, but it is not full service of bank, cannot do home loans. Can’t send funds to people out of state. A couple of follow up questions that I did not get a chance to ask him was If you weren’t a big bank manager which of the two would you recommend to someone just stating a account

The Bank of the West Logot? The second follow up question is which one gives you a better rate?

After some research I came up with some answers to my follow up questions. For the first question I found that Credit unions are good for starting off but you have to remember that they’re not full on banks.They usually have better rates and better customer service. Credit unions aren’t for everyone though if you need to get loans than banks are better For the second question I found that credit unions usually give better rates. This makes a lot of sense because you’re part of the company so you get part of the benefits.

I think that this was a great opportunity because we got to ask questions that we probably never would of asked from someone who knows what they’re doing. I did actually learn a couple of things like witch is better a credit union or a bank and what a cd is and if the government is part of controlling bank which it is not.


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December 9

Ginger Discrimination

Unspoken Discrimination

A lot of people don’t know about discrimination against redheads and most people do not take ginger discrimination seriously.  If you ask almost any redhead, they will tell that they were bullied in their childhood because of their hair color. The media today always portrays gingers as unapproachable or hot tempered. Ginger discrimination is most controversial because it’s not paid attention to and it happens as a form of child-on-child bullying.  On the site, the author states:

One ‘reason’ for bullying, if you can call it reason, is often overlooked in social awareness programs. You may be surprised to read that the color of someone’s hair, specifically, bright red hair, can create animosity and bullying. Anyone with red hair has probably gone through this at one time or other.”  

When people are perceived as different, they often become victims of bullying.  According to an article from, “Seeing red: Does ‘gingerism’ really exist?” reporter Emma Ailes states, “[a]ccording to the ScotlandsDNA project, only about 0.6% of the world’s population has red hair.”  Yes, gingerism does exist and it needs to end.


Orignial Photo of My Red Hair


Ginger Bullying in the Media

A lot of TV show including Glee, South Park and the TV host, Patti Stanger, demonstrate this type of ginger bullying as being humorous but if you’re a redhead, it’s not.  Some real bullying incidents have even been inspired by a South Park episode called, “Ginger Kids.” This issue mostly happens with younger children and it can be harmful to the redhead’s self-esteem, self-worth and even result in physical violence.


Redheads are easy victims. Gingers don’t belong in one culture or group. As a first-hand experience, all I want to do when I was younger and up until 11th grade was to change my hair so I would fit in. Ginger discrimination happens all around the world and every community. A 2014 article in The Guardian entitled, “Discrimination Against Gingers,” tracks redhead discrimination globally.  It explains that “gingerism” happens to almost every redhead, surprisingly, all around the world.  Most redheads have experienced bullying, especially during childhood.



Ms. Jackie Wood, Assistant Principal, Vista High School

By raising awareness about redhead discrimination, people will realize its harmful effects.  In order to raise awareness f, I interviewed my Vice Principal, Ms. Jackie Wood. I chose to interview her because she is a redhead, like me, and she’s known for being friendly, approachable,  and even-tempered, which are contrary traits to the ginger stereotypes.

Dana (DM): Do you like your hair color?

Ms. Wood (JW): Yes.  I love being a redhead.  I am not particularly fond of any of my other physical features – my hair is my one source of pride.  My red hair is the one thing that makes me different.

DM: Did you always like your hair color?

JW: I’ve liked having red hair for about 99% of my life.

DM: Did you get bullied because of your color? If so, do you have any stories you would like to tell?

JW: There was a period of time in middle school where a handful of kids gave me a hard time about having red hair.  I got called “carrot top” or “ginger” or “little Orphan Annie.”  Some kids called me “redneck,” mistakenly thinking it was a reference to hair color.

DM: When did people stop teasing you for your hair color?

JW: The teasing only stopped because I moved out of the area and at my new school, the students did not pick on my hair color.  Looking back, one thing I think may have prevented bullying was [positive] portrayal of red hair in pop culture.  When I was younger the Little Mermaid was a huge sensation.  Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York was in fashion.  Lindsey Lohan came out with a remake of Parent Trap.  All of these people helped to make red hair not just acceptable, but desirable.    

DM: What do you wish people would have done to help stop the bullying?

JW: The bullying I experienced was not the result of neglect or indifference.  As far as I know, there were never any adults who heard the name calling.  The only thing that I think would have made a difference might have been preventative character education.  I think that if the other kids were more aware of the effects of their words, there might have been less name calling.   

Final Reflection

If you’re a parent of a redheaded child, you can help stop the bullying by asking your child or children about what is happening to them at school and discuss the problem with the school fi they are being bullied. People are more likely to help if you point out the problem. People are starting to raise awareness about the issue. A Ginger Convention was even started in Ireland in 2010.  An article in the Chicago Tribune explains that many redheads are starting to embrace their uniqueness. Many people still don’t know about gingerism and therefore, they don’t take it seriously. There are networks like ABC, BBC and other news reports that have raised more awareness.  With more information spreading, we can reduce the incidence of ginger discrimination.



December 8

Savings and Lottery?


Saving by Tax Credit Savings

In the recent podcast that my classed lesson to, we learn that half of us adults play the lottery. Most of the people who play the lottery don’t have a way of saving money.  If you told a group of people to save $2,000 in 1 month only half would be able to do it.

Now why is this? Well people like the idea that theirs is a small chance of them winning money.

Because of this some banks have started a program where you put money in a bank and instead of earning interested you can win  money. This was proven to work in South Africa.

Until it was shut down by the South African Lottery.

Even though it was shut down, The system was proven to work. Hopefully in the future we will be able to create more banks like that and will get more people to save.

November 16

Why I love Books

Believe it or not, I wasn’t always such a big reader. Up until about fourth grade I didn’t really care for reading. I liked when other people read to me but I was not a fan of reading for myself. Even though I read the first book of Harry Potter in the third grade, I still wasn’t really into reading.

One of my favorites

Great Illustrated Classics - ADVENTURES OF ROBINSON CRUSOE

I didn’t think I would like this one but it’s actually a great story

In fourth grade, I began to read the great illustrated classics. I don’t know why,  but at that age, I loved old stories. The great thing about these books was it was very easy for me to read and on every other page there was a picture. Who doesn’t love a book with pictures?! It was a great introduction to my love of reading. Sadly, I still only read those book at that time. I didn’t want to read anything else.

That was until I was in fifth grade. That’s when I read the Percy Jackson series. I could not put the books down. I even had my parents go to Barnes and Noble to get the books for me. That’s when I really fell in love with reading. You can imagine my surprise and pure joy when they came out with the Percy Jackson movie.  Now, I can spend the rest of my life saying EVERYTHING that’s wrong with that movie but I won’t.  They didn’t follow the book at all.  The new plot was just terrible and they messed up all the characters. When we finished the movie, I complained the entire car ride home. Then my mom told me something important that has stuck with me my whole life and that is that the movies never do the book justice.

Somehow I was still determined to read, I read everything that I could get my hands on. I have been reading ever since. Now  I want to be a librarian so I can help other kids find their love for reading.